Book Casual
9 Mar 2024 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Location: 49 - 51 Raptor Place South Geelong 3220 Victoria (Gym)
Drop In Price: $40.00
Your details.
Your emergency contact.
Are you under 18 years old?
Terms and Conditions

Geelong Ninjas Trial & Casual Classes

There are no refunds on trial or casual classes, however if you are unavailble to attend on the day due to illness or unforeseen circumstances & we are notified prior to the class commencing then we will accomodate transfering the booking to another day / time, pending class availability

Please ensure that you check in on arrival to the class.

Liability Waiver



Geelong Ninjas workouts pose a significant risk of serious injury to children and other participants and members. Obstacle / Ninja Training can be dangerous to adults and even more dangerous to children. The risks of injury include but are not limited to cuts, bruises, broken bones, slips, collisions, trips, sprains and more.

Our Ninja classes are structured classes with coach supervision.  Safety is & always will be our number one priority.  Management & staff will take every precaution to prevent accidents & injuries.  If a child is acting in a way that has the potential to cause injury to themselves,  staff or other participants they will be removed from the program.  In the event of an accident or injury GBOT staff will not hesitate to call an ambulance.  There is always a First Aid Officer on the premises & we do have a defibrillator onsite.  

Geelong Ninjas do not have any supervision for the children outside of the  Ninja classes.   When in the facility you  agree to take responsibility to monitor them to make sure that they follow all rules and regulations of the facility.

WAIVER OF LIABILITY I agree to release and discharge Geelong Ninjas (GBOT PTY LTD) , its personal, owners, operators, the facility owners, agents, volunteers and all other parties related to the ownership and operation of the fun house (?Released parties?) from all liability whatsoever, and waive all claims, demands and actions for any and all injuries, harms, or damages sustained by the children named below in connection with their use or presences at our location or at any sponsored event whether within the venue itself or outside of the premises or another location where GBOT is associated arising or resulting from the negligent acts or omissions of me, any other child at the fun house, other members, guests, visitors or other persons at the gym or outside of the gym. I agree to defend, indemnify and hold GBOT and the released parties harmless against all claims including attorneys fees and costs, brought by anyone against GBOT related to such injury, harm or damages.

SPONSOR: By signing below, I agree to be the responsible sponsoring adult, and agree that I will be responsible for the supervision of the children to ensure that they follow GBOT's rules of the facility and will be responsible for the children named, always while they are at GBOT or a GBOT sponsored event. In the event that the children named are involved in an accident or an incident that requires medical attention, I agree that as the responsible sponsoring adult, I will be responsible for making all decisions related to medical and survival procedures of the children, including but not limited to decisions and the cost therefore about medical care, the administration of medication, the performance of life sustaining procedures, and the transportation and admission to any hospital, health centre or medical clinic. I warrant that the children are in good physical condition and that the children are not on any medications or that they do not have any disease or injury that would preclude them from physical activity.

I understand that GBOT are not responsible for the children that are not participating in the structured classes. Should it be necessary to bring a child that is not participating in the group training, I understand that they must be away from all equipment and obstacles at all times to avoid injury to themselves or others. I also agree that they will conduct themselves responsibly while on the premises. I agree that I will supervise all children in my care and take full responsibility for their actions and any damages that may occur as a result.

Request for admission of children under the age of 18. As the true legal guardian of the below named minor child/ren, by signing below I agree to the terms stated herein.

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